Lifting device for brake calipers

Area:  Industrial Machinery

Category:  Design, Safety, CE certification


Handling loads

The Customer needed a lifting device that would allow him to pick up the object to be handled, specifically a brake caliper, directly from the pallet.


Design, production, and CE certification

The aim was to allow the operator to move a heavy brake caliper easily and safely from the pallet to the work area, keeping it in a steady and safe position during the installation process.

Design, production, and CE certification of a lifting device in compliance with the Machine Directive and reference standards.

Our solution and the benefits for the customer

From prototype design to CE marking

SAECON assisted the Customer from the initial concept of the prototype to its production, up to the CE marking. A completely outsourced lifting device was realized, in compliance with the Machinery Directive and current regulations, specifically the standard EN 13155:2009 for the design requirements.

SAECON engineers started from existing examples of lifting devices previously utilised by the Customer to create a completely new and improved design. The final design was then verified by means of a Finite Elements Analysis in which the working conditions were reproduced. The related documentation (user manual, technical files, and CE certification) was then realized.